Preparedness Day 2025

Prepardness day 7.2. Start with water.

Join the Preparedness Day on Friday, February 7, 2025

Preparedness Day is a great day to share preparedness tips.

1. Share preparedness information on social media on February 7

Share preparedness information on your organisation’s social media channels on Friday, February 7.

  • You can share tips on how people can prepare themselves and provide a link to the 72 hours website:
  • The theme for 2025: Start with water.
  • SPEK is organizing Preparedness Day 2025 in collaboration with the National Emergency Supply Agency and the Finnish Water Utilities Association (FIWA).
  • We will provide a few ready-made social media images that you can use if you wish. A link to the images will be added at the bottom of this page later.
  • The social media images are intended for publication on Friday, February 7. Do not publish them earlier!
  • You can also share content that will be published on the @72tuntia social media accounts on February 7.

Use the hashtag #varautumispäivä in your posts.

Anyone can participate in Preparedness Day on Friday, February 7, on social media.

2. Preparedness information in libraries

SPEK has sent a message to the libraries about participating in the Preparedness Day. Libraries can choose to take part in the themed day on social media or by sharing information in the library. More details are in the message sent to the libraries.

Start with water

The theme for 2025 is “Start with water”.

Social media texts for February 7

Closer to Preparedness Day, we will update this page with social media images for organisations to use.